Module I

Training Program: Impact of Environmental Pollutants on Reproductive Health
Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Amina T. Farag
Module 1: Basics in Reproductive Health
Module Instructors:  Dr. Yasmine Yousry     Prof. Dr. Amina Farag
Dr. Yasmine Y. Mohamed
Lecturer of Maternal and Child Health,
High Institute of Public Health,
Alexandria University

Prof. Dr. Amina T. Farag,
Prof of Reproductive Toxicology,
Dept. of Pesticide Chemistry and Toxicology,
Alexandria University

The objective of this module is to provide basic knowledge in the reproductive health.

The contents of this module will be classified as follows:

1. Explain the purpose of the module

2.Lectures as Pdf, PowerPoint Presentation, and video

Through this module, four lectures will be presented as Pdf, PowerPoint presentation, and video record as follows:

  • Male and Female Reproductive Systems
  • Women’s Body Development Phases and Endocrine Disorders
  • Maternal Risk Factors and Pregnancy
  • Detection of Maternal and fetal status during pregnancy

3. Short Quiz as multiple choice questions

Practical Session: Collect knowledge about the reproductive problems in your country and around the world:           Presented by: Dr. Yasmine Yousry